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ACT Fall One-Acts Graphic_1920x1080.jpg


Our Dearest Friends

By Twin Cities playwright Terry Newby
Directed by Twin Cities playwright James Lundy

The best friendships are both intimate and fragile. And when you mix business ventures with a long-standing friendship, intimacy and fragility are inescapable. Our Dearest Friends explores the relationship between Drew, a corporate lawyer with questionable ethics, and his best friend — and best client — Peter, a man who is unapologetically corrupt and unethical. Peter's shady business dealings support Drew's law practice, but both men and their wives and children pay a steep price for their shared corruption and dubious ethics. What is a true friendship worth?  What price are we willing to pay for that which seems real?


A Woman Over Forty

By New Zealand playwright Lindsey Brown

Directed by Deb Schneider and Gary Davis

Invisible? I don't think so. A quintet of dark comedic monologues celebrating the trials and tribulations of a woman of a certain. No matter what life throws at them, which is a lot, they remain FABULOUS!

November 21–23, 2024 at 7:00 pm and November 24, 2024 at 2:00 pm
The Hive Collaborative, St. Paul

Cast & Crew

Our Dearest Friends by local playwright Terry Newby

  • Director: James Lundy

  • Tech Director: Connor Davis

  • Drew: Brock Ray

  • Mary: Allison Hawley

  • Peter: Nick Dibley

  • Stacy: Amy Luedtke

  • Jamie: Collin Ray


A Woman Over Forty by New Zealand playwright Lindsey Brown

  • Directors: Gary Davis and Debbie Schneider

  • Tech Director: Connor Davis

  • Announcer: Bonnie Ray

  • Paula: Jan Dickinson

  • Ruby: Kate Hanley

  • Gabriella: J Emily Peabody

  • Mary: Amy Luedtke

  • Margot: Debbie Schneider

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We hope to see you at a show soon!

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